Corneal Abrasions - Metropolitan Eye Center | Metro Detroit

The Importance of Understanding Corneal Abrasions
When it comes to eye conditions, corneal abrasions are a common concern. At Metropolitan Eye Center in Metro Detroit, our experienced eye care team, led by Dr. David J Scholten, is dedicated to providing you with the best possible care for corneal abrasions.
What Are Corneal Abrasions?
A corneal abrasion refers to a scratch or scrape on the clear, protective outer layer of the eye called the cornea. This can occur due to various factors such as foreign objects, contact lens use, or even accidental injury. Corneal abrasions can cause discomfort, redness, tearing, and sensitivity to light.
Treating Corneal Abrasions at Metropolitan Eye Center
At Metropolitan Eye Center, our team is highly skilled in diagnosing and treating corneal abrasions. Upon examination, Dr. David J Scholten will carefully evaluate the extent of the abrasion and determine the most appropriate treatment plan for you.
Non-Surgical Treatments
In most cases, corneal abrasions can be treated without the need for surgery. Dr. Scholten may prescribe antibiotic eye drops or ointments to prevent infection and promote healing. Additionally, lubricating eye drops or ointments may be recommended to alleviate discomfort and keep the eye properly moisturized.
Importance of Proper Eye Care
During the healing process, it is important to follow Dr. Scholten's recommendations for proper eye care. This may include avoiding rubbing the eye, protecting it from irritants such as dust and wind, and temporarily refraining from wearing contact lenses.
Surgical Options
In some cases, if the corneal abrasion is severe or does not heal with conservative treatment, surgical intervention may be necessary. Dr. Scholten may perform procedures such as corneal debridement or implement advanced techniques like amniotic membrane transplantation to aid in the healing process.
Preventing Corneal Abrasions
While it may not be possible to prevent all corneal abrasions, there are certain precautions you can take to reduce the risk. Simple steps such as wearing protective eyewear during activities that may cause eye injuries, properly cleaning and handling contact lenses, and avoiding rubbing the eyes vigorously can help prevent corneal abrasions.
Contact Metropolitan Eye Center for Corneal Abrasion Care
If you are experiencing symptoms of a corneal abrasion or require specialized eye care, contact Metropolitan Eye Center in Metro Detroit. Dr. David J Scholten and our team are committed to providing the highest level of care for various eye conditions, including corneal abrasions. Schedule your appointment today and let us help you protect the health of your eyes.
This information is provided as an educational resource and should not be used for self-diagnosis or self-treatment. Always consult with a qualified eye care professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.