Contact Lenses Offered at Grand Blanc Vision Care Center

Jul 10, 2018
Contact Lenses

A Trusted Source for Contact Lenses and Vision Solutions

At Grand Blanc Vision Care Center, we understand the importance of clear and comfortable vision. That's why we offer a wide selection of contact lenses to suit various vision needs. Led by Dr. David J. Scholten, a highly experienced optometrist, our practice is dedicated to providing personalized and comprehensive eye care services in Grand Blanc, Michigan.

Explore a Variety of Contact Lens Options

Whether you're nearsighted, farsighted, or have astigmatism, we have contact lenses that can address your specific requirements. Our team of experts will guide you through the process of finding the best contact lenses for your eyes while considering factors such as comfort, clarity, and overall eye health.

We offer a range of contact lens types to accommodate different preferences and visual conditions:

1. Soft Contact Lenses

Soft contact lenses are made of flexible, water-containing plastics that allow oxygen to pass through the lens to the cornea. These lenses are known for their exceptional comfort and can correct various vision conditions, including nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, and presbyopia.

2. Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) Contact Lenses

RGP contact lenses are durable and provide excellent visual clarity. They allow oxygen to reach the cornea and are ideal for individuals with astigmatism, keratoconus, or those who prefer a more precise vision correction option. RGP lenses can take some time to adapt to, but many people find them incredibly comfortable once they do.

3. Hybrid Contact Lenses

Hybrid contact lenses combine the benefits of both soft and RGP lenses. They feature a stable RGP center surrounded by a soft outer skirt, providing optimal vision correction for those with astigmatism or who require multifocal lenses.

4. Multifocal Contact Lenses

If you need vision correction for both near and far distances, multifocal contact lenses can be a convenient option. They offer a seamless transition between different distances, allowing you to see clearly at all ranges. Whether you have presbyopia or require bifocal or multifocal lenses, our team can help you find the right fit.

Personalized Fitting and Follow-up Care

Choosing the right contact lenses involves more than just selecting the type. Proper fitting is crucial to ensure comfort, visual acuity, and eye health. At Grand Blanc Vision Care Center, we provide personalized contact lens fittings to ensure an optimal fit for each patient.

During your contact lens fitting appointment, we will evaluate your eyes' shape, size, and overall health, along with conducting a thorough vision assessment. Taking into account your lifestyle, preferences, and specific visual needs, we will recommend the most suitable contact lenses from our extensive range of options.

Once you have been fitted with your contact lenses, our team will provide detailed instructions on how to insert, remove, and care for your lenses properly. We will also schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your eye health and address any concerns or adjustments needed.

Why Choose Grand Blanc Vision Care Center?

When it comes to your vision, you deserve the best care possible. Here are some reasons why Grand Blanc Vision Care Center should be your top choice for contact lenses and comprehensive eye care:

  • Expertise: Dr. David J. Scholten has years of experience in the field of optometry and is dedicated to staying current with the latest advancements in eye care.
  • Comprehensive Services: We offer a wide range of eye care services, including comprehensive eye exams, pediatric eye care, treatment of eye diseases, and emergency eye care.
  • State-of-the-Art Equipment: Our practice is equipped with advanced diagnostic tools to provide accurate assessments and precise prescriptions.
  • Personalized Approach: We take the time to understand your unique needs and provide individualized solutions, ensuring your comfort, satisfaction, and optimal vision.
  • Commitment to Quality: Our team is committed to providing exceptional care and using only high-quality contact lenses and products.

Contact Grand Blanc Vision Care Center Today

Don't let vision problems hinder your daily life. Visit Grand Blanc Vision Care Center to explore our wide range of contact lens options and receive the personalized care you deserve. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and take the first step toward achieving clear, comfortable vision.

Disclaimer: The information provided on this page is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. Please consult with a qualified eye care professional for personalized recommendations regarding your eye health and contact lens needs.

Contact lenses are essential for clear vision. 👓 It's great to see that Grand Blanc Vision Care Center offers a wide range of options! 🙌
Oct 14, 2023