High Definition Lenses

Jul 7, 2018
Eye Care


Welcome to David J Scholten, OD, PC, where we offer top-quality high definition lenses to enhance your vision. As a leading provider of eye care services in the health category, we understand the importance of clear, crisp vision for your daily activities. In this article, we will explore the benefits and features of high definition lenses, and how they can provide you with a superior visual experience.

What are High Definition Lenses?

High definition lenses, also known as HD lenses, are advanced eyeglass lenses designed to optimize your visual acuity and overall visual experience. These lenses are crafted using cutting-edge technology and innovative manufacturing processes, resulting in enhanced clarity and improved contrast.

The Benefits of High Definition Lenses

High definition lenses offer a range of benefits that can significantly enhance your vision:

  • Sharper Vision: HD lenses provide sharper, clearer vision compared to traditional lenses. The advanced technology used in their construction allows for precise light control and reduces glare, resulting in improved visual acuity.
  • Enhanced Contrast: With high definition lenses, you can enjoy enhanced contrast and a more vibrant visual experience. These lenses optimize color perception, allowing you to see details with greater accuracy.
  • Reduced Glare: Glare from reflections, such as headlights or bright sunlight, can be distracting and discomforting. HD lenses are designed to minimize glare, ensuring comfortable vision even in challenging lighting conditions.
  • Improved Night Vision: High definition lenses excel in low-light environments, making them ideal for driving at night. By reducing halos and improving depth perception, these lenses enhance your safety and overall visual performance.
  • Customized Design: Each pair of high definition lenses is customized to your specific visual needs. Our team of eye care professionals will assess your unique requirements and recommend the right HD lenses to optimize your vision.

Choosing High Definition Lenses

When considering high definition lenses, it is essential to consult with an experienced eye care professional, such as David J Scholten, OD, PC. Our expert optometrists will conduct a comprehensive eye examination to evaluate your vision and determine if HD lenses are suitable for you. We take into account factors such as your prescription, lifestyle, and visual preferences to ensure the best possible outcome.


Investing in high definition lenses can significantly improve your visual experience by providing sharper vision, enhanced contrast, reduced glare, and improved night vision. At David J Scholten, OD, PC, we prioritize your eye health and offer a wide range of comprehensive eye care services, including the latest high definition lenses. Experience the difference HD lenses can make in your daily life and enjoy the beauty of a clear, crisp visual world.