Astigmatism - Metropolitan Eye Center | Metro Detroit | LASIK

Oct 31, 2022

Understanding Astigmatism

Astigmatism is a common eye condition that affects the way light enters the eye, leading to blurred or distorted vision. Metropolitan Eye Center, located in Metro Detroit, offers comprehensive eye care and specialized treatments for astigmatism. Led by David J Scholten, OD, PC, our experienced team is dedicated to helping you achieve optimal eye health.

The Causes and Symptoms of Astigmatism

Astigmatism occurs when the cornea, the clear front surface of the eye, or the lens inside the eye, has an irregular shape. This irregularity causes the light entering the eye to focus on multiple points rather than a single point, resulting in distorted and blurry vision.

Symptoms of astigmatism may include:

  • Blurry or fuzzy vision at any distance
  • Eye strain or discomfort
  • Headaches
  • Squinting
  • Difficulty seeing at night

Treatments for Astigmatism

Metropolitan Eye Center offers various treatment options for astigmatism, including:

  1. Eyeglasses: Prescription glasses with specially crafted lenses can correct astigmatism by compensating for the irregularities in the shape of the cornea or lens.
  2. Contact lenses: Soft or rigid gas-permeable contact lenses can effectively correct astigmatism, providing clear and comfortable vision.
  3. LASIK surgery: A popular refractive surgery option, LASIK can reshape the cornea to correct astigmatism and improve overall vision. David J Scholten, OD, PC, is highly experienced in performing LASIK surgery.
  4. Orthokeratology: This non-surgical treatment involves wearing specialized contact lenses overnight to gently reshape the cornea and correct astigmatism.
  5. Corneal Relaxing Incisions: In some cases, small incisions are made in the cornea to help reshape it and correct astigmatism.

Why Choose Metropolitan Eye Center for Astigmatism Treatment?

At Metropolitan Eye Center, we prioritize patient care and provide personalized treatment plans for astigmatism. Here are some reasons why our practice is the top choice for astigmatism treatment in Metro Detroit:

  • Expertise: David J Scholten, OD, PC, is a highly skilled and reputable eye care professional with extensive experience in treating astigmatism and other eye conditions.
  • Advanced Technology: Metropolitan Eye Center is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and diagnostic tools to accurately diagnose and treat astigmatism.
  • Individualized Treatment: We understand that each patient is unique, and our team takes the time to create personalized treatment plans tailored to your specific needs and lifestyle.
  • Comprehensive Care: Our practice offers a range of services, including regular eye exams, pre- and post-operative care, and ongoing support to ensure the best possible outcomes for our patients.
  • Exceptional Patient Experience: We prioritize patient comfort and provide a warm, friendly atmosphere where you can feel at ease throughout your journey to improved vision.

Contact Metropolitan Eye Center for Astigmatism Treatment

If you are experiencing symptoms of astigmatism or would like to learn more about our treatment options, contact Metropolitan Eye Center today. Our dedicated team led by David J Scholten, OD, PC, is committed to providing exceptional eye care and helping you achieve optimal visual health.

Book an appointment with Metropolitan Eye Center and take the first step towards clear vision and improved quality of life.

David Ebel
Great read, very informative!
Nov 8, 2023